Poll: Future update focus

I have created a strawpoll that will run until the end of the year where you can voice your desires for future development prioritisation for Sternly Worded Adventures. You can find the poll here. It's a priority list, so drag the ones you care about to the top and the ones you don't to the bottom. Everything on there is at least provisionally planned and I'd like to get in eventually, but everything takes time and I'd rather focus on what people value the most.

It's a busy time of year, and downloads have slowed to the point that the average number per build is less than 1, and the last purchase was over two updates ago, so development has taken a back seat to some of my commission work (which if you're interested in I release time-lapses of on my Patreon and eventually my YouTube), however there is still a SWA update in the works. It just doesn't contain anything "big" yet. Few extra words, some extra polish, an update to the engine. Nothing fancy yet. I've been unwilling to take the plunge on starting a new big feature or piece of content. Hopefully I'll have a better idea what to focus on in the new year when I see the final results of the poll.

That poll link again: strawpoll.com

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Hope you get some more interest in the game again <3