V45: Apple Jacking

It's been a long month, and with it, a new update! The main features of this update are a rework of the shrine dictionary, forests have a chance to contain non-spider content such as apples or bandits, the warrior and woodsman have had a sprite refresh with added hair options, leaving a dungeon unfinished then coming back (which mostly requires a flash bomb) will now save progress inside there, added additional options for world seed, save scumming, and listing completion times, as well as the usual word updates and new items and so on.

A warning on continuing pre-V45 saves: If you were in the middle of a forest, and that forest is now a bandit camp, you might be trapped.

New game settings:

  • You can now see and define the world seed.
  • You can now enable or disable being able to save scum combat rewards.


  • Added the option to disable 'mouth noise' sound effects.
  • Added the option to enable showing how long between start and finish on stats.


  • Full random can now pull from the 'bandits' enemy pool.


  • Forests now have a chance of being replaced with:
    • Apple orchards: Instead of chests, spiders, and other enemies, they contain apples.
    • Bandit camps: Instead of spiders and other enemies, they contain bandits.
  • Fixed every Inn being called The Black Swan. As realistic as that is.
  • Fixed burned forests being marked as complete on resolving any combat in it instead of clearing it.
  • Removed 'Roman Bath' and 'Museum Street' as potential inn names and added over 70 new potential inn names.
  • Fixed an issue with pathing, where it sometimes wouldn't let you path over an incomplete forest unless you moved there first.
  • Fixed an issue where it wouldn't let you travel along a newly unlocked path because it was reading an out-of-date pathing cache from before combat. This would only occur if you clicked on said node(s) pre-combat.
  • Fixed player interaction not getting re-enabled if you quit to the main menu during the cutscene and then reloaded back in.
  • The sub-node-under-attack indicator floating skull now offsets more for larger nodes.
  • Slightly increased the selection box of inns.


  • It no longer saves your inventory on-sell. It would only save the shop inventory on leaving the shop (along with your inventory), so if you sold an item then closed the game, you would have no option to buy them back ever.
  • Fixed selling things to a shop adding a new button to their menu even if they already had something of that type.


  • Woodsman event now says you should buy 'antivenom or antiserum', and always stocks 1 or 2 partially full antiserum replacing the 1/8-full antivenom, and now parts with "It's safer on the path" rather than "Maybe stay on the path".
  • The wandering merchant can no longer happen inside 'combat forest' subworlds unless they have been cleared.
  • The used-potions and rare-potions wandering merchants can now also appear at road and crossroads nodes.

Rest UI:

  • Tile board now only appears if you have an item that could affect it. Added an option to overwrite this behaviour and force on.

Craft UI:

  • Fixed drag-dropping an item into the craft over another item UI updating as if said item under it was still there.

Inventory UI:

  • Changed on-release tooltip behaviour to fix item use tooltips on player screens, such as fail messages, being overwritten by the default item tooltips.


  • Added 24 new parallaxes for roads and villages with palisade fences in the background (road, village × plains, oak, pine × corrupt × ocean).


  • Spider related words now give a 40% bonus against spiders and spider nests.
  • Stackable items given during combat now stack when given.
  • Loading a save to an already dead enemy no longer replays death animations/sounds.
  • Random combats that trigger at an already completed spider nest no longer give full spider nest enemies, and include an already dead nest.
  • Random combats that trigger at an already open chest no longer give chest-guardian enemies and chest rewards.
  • Progress for half finished combats is now saved if you leave, via the flash bomb, and come back.
  • Enemies that are dead-on-arrival no longer trigger death effects.

Combat UI:

  • The submit-as UI now draws text over the icons when they would overlap.
  • Fixed the tile board freezing in place when it should slide off screen for scenes, like when you end combat at the anomaly or a shrine.
  • Fixed the tile board not doing the break up animation when you die.
  • Fixed tile estimations not updating when hovering over a non-spell on the cast-as view.
  • Increased the particle cap of the enemy coin drop effect to 300 from 100.
  • Fixed drag-rearranging tiles not updating the 'special tile effect active' glow effect.


  • Stats now tracks if enemies are dead-on-arrival, and no longer counts them as kills.
  • Stats now tracks the start dates.
  • Defeating the anomaly now gives additional stats.


  • Fixed the class selection screen using stale data for the number of hair options the current class has if you selected hair then changed class.
  • Fixed the gambeson, tunic, and cuirass drawing over the long hair on the adventurer.
  • Sprites on stats that pre-date adventurer hair settings will now be updated to have the correct-for-the-time hair.
  • Added animation sets for the woodsman and warrior for shielding, casting, drinking, and dying from hit.
  • Added long hair and afro options for the woodsman and warrior.
  • Added bald option for warrior.
  • Added bonnet layers for warrior and woodsman.
  • Warrior and woodsman chain coif now hugs the top of their head tighter.
  • Random enemy warriors and woodsman can now have rimmed bucklers, and different hair.
  • Random enemy warriors can now have rapiers.


  • Slime brooch: Now highlights if estimations indicate it's about to trigger.
  • Profane book: Number of ! tiles given now caps out at the length of the swear.
  • Vowel movements: Allowed words with all those vowels to also count.
  • Cookies: Reused the potion drink animation where available, with a new food layer.
  • Black label courage potion: Moved the description into flavour text, and gave a new, more descriptive description.
  • Turn undead: No longer inflicts a flee status unless it actually gets through the armour, and inflicts fear, not terror, on bosses and minibosses.
  • Wild ruby: Fixed not clearing ligature data, leaving a functionally useless tile that counts as a wildcard. Notably when combined with the calcinatory.

New gear:

  • Snake rattle nephrite: An enemy succumbing to toxin status damage queues a serrated bronze tile.
  • Serpentine-gem dagger: Crafted from the serpentine dagger and snake rattle nephrite.

New passives:

  • Magic turbo-snail: Overworld travel is snail powered.
  • Potion nausea: Drinking health potions makes you nauseous; you can only drink 5 health worth in as many turns.

New consumables:

  • Apple: Heals 1. 5 a day max. Max item stack 4.


  • Fixed pre-V40 migration achievement backdating not correctly checking for '"Pacifist"'.
  • Fixed not being able to get 'Taco', 'Thirsty', 'Hot lava', 'Mulder', and 'Got wood?'.
  • Updated the description of 'Got wood?' to no longer indicate that wood words give a bonus against treants.
  • 'Crowded statue' now comes up when filtering for combat related awards.
  • 'A fresher hell' now comes up when filtering for anomaly related awards.
  • Added 'Consecration' to the Steam demo, since it was possible but erroneously excluded.
  • Added 'Arachnology' for using a spider word against a spider.
  • Added 'Nope' for clearing all spider nests from a forest.
  • Dead-on-arrival enemies no longer count for 'Mathematical'.


  • Removed 12444 words from the shrine dictionary, and restricted a further 30212 of them to the arcade, leaving 9139 in standard rotation.
  • Created a 'spider words' dictionary.
  • Added auriferously, auriferousness, germaniferous, magnesiferous, niobiferous, plombiferous, zinckiferous, autophilia, chiefed, clippy, culturism, culturisms, mommed, momming, moqueca, moquecas, pyrolizable, quiversome, spiffingly, bardically, bardics, boggily, boredly, costable, dayum, derangedly, eleventeen, eleventy, fakeout, fakeouts, fanclub, fanclubs, indoorsy, jinkier, jinkiest, jinky, kickees, larped, larps, oinker, oinkers, overfattens, overfattened, overfattening, overpush, overpushed, overpushes, overpushing, penknifed, penknifer, penknived, peopley, raviolo, rowless, twelfty, undershare, undershares, vetos, vinyard, vinyards, vtuber, vtubers, xrayed, xraying, sacrilicious, kwyjibo, kwyjibos, yeetus, creepypasta, creepypastas, shimmerer, sockies, demeaner, demeaners, dentophobia, baku, fenghuang, fenghuangs, kitsune, kitsunes, kodama, mujina, rokurokubi, shikigami, shinigami, tengus, tsuchigumo, and yokai.
  • Added calcate, daemonise, daemonize, flanderise, flanderize, boop, mald, omegalul, sadge, fivehead, wallcrawl, televize, meep, quaternise, reblog, and derived terms.
  • Added derived terms of recopper, and inflection forms of backseat, calcinate and skibidi.
  • Added bofa, ligma, sugma, sugondese, coomer, coomers, gooned, gooner, gooners, gooning, goonvana, jerkoff, jerkoffs, snusnu, pisswater, suckies, smeghead and smegheads, sexpest, sexpests, schmeckle, schmeckles, fuckiness, fuckyness, boingloing, and boingloings to the regular and curses dicts.
  • Added manwhore and whoreman and derived terms to the regular and curses dict.
  • Added goon, goons, coom, coomed, cooming, cooms, jerk, jerks, tosspot, tosspots, thot, and thots, to the curses dict.
  • Added masturbation, molest, fornicate, satan, and derived terms to the curses dict.
  • Added spitroast and derived terms to the regular, fire, and curses dicts.
  • Added over 70 words starting with 'pyro' to the fire dict.
  • Added emblaze, pyromancer, pyrokinetic, overburn, overheat, and derived terms to the fire dict.
  • Added calcinated, calcinates, calcinating, smokily, smokier, and smokiest to the fire dict.
  • Added pyrometallurgy, reforge, and derived terms of them to the metals and fire dicts.
  • Added metalliferous and over 30 hyponyms and derived terms to the metals dictionary.
  • Added aurify, natrium, metally, metallize, quench, and derived terms to the metals dict.
  • Added kalium, sodian, coin, coins, coppery, cupreous, unununium, zincic, and zincous to metals dict.
  • Added gaggers to the metals and iron dicts.
  • Removed selenium, seleniums, and quarterstaff from the metals dict.
  • Added alpine and derived terms to the wood dict.
  • Added decay, scoliosis, ulnar, and derived terms to the bones dict.
  • Added ribcage and ribcages to the bones dict.
  • Added 40 derived terms of tibia and/or femur to the bones dict, 23 of which were also new to the main dict.


  • Almanac dictionary page now lists if a word has all vowels, and if the first and last letter matches outside of being a palindrome.
  • Fixed the dictionary almanac having a typo in the palindrome marker.
  • Fixed some half complete defs ending in a :. Affected: abura, acapu, achalasia, addible, aerodrome, air, anticlimax, cock.
  • Changed the definition of backseat to the video gaming def rather than alt-spelling of 'back seat'.
  • Added definitions for rib cage and QWERTY.
  • Corrected the definitions of cumming and ribbing, hamboned, and hamboning.


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Oct 22, 2024
SternlyWordedAdventuresV45.AppImage 86 MB
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SternlyWordedAdventuresV45-macos.zip 112 MB
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SternlyWordedAdventuresV45-win32.zip 85 MB
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SternlyWordedAdventuresV45-win64.zip 85 MB
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SternlyWordedAdventuresV45Demo.AppImage 86 MB
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SternlyWordedAdventuresV45Demo-macos.zip 112 MB
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SternlyWordedAdventuresV45Demo-win32.zip 85 MB
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SternlyWordedAdventuresV45Demo-win64.zip 85 MB
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